A little bit more about the Ecorys team

We wanted to start blogging (and tweeting) to discuss, reflect and highlight the people and projects involved in our programmes. It’s also an opportunity to inform potential applicants of what funding is available and what you can achieve through our programmes. Read the rest of this entry »

The Wolf: Friend or Foe?

The Wolf Report, an independent review of Vocational Education, commissioned by the government was published in March. It focuses on vocational education between the ages of 14-19 and includes recommendations such as: strengthening core academic subjects and continuing provision post-16, increasing the range of vocational qualifications, as well as the need for greater access to apprenticeships. Read the rest of this entry »

Where our funding goes

As a relatively new member of the Lifelong Learning Programme team at Ecorys (I’ve been here a month as web editor for the programme websites) it is an enormous task to understand and appreciate not only all the opportunities within each programme, but also the breadth of projects that receive funding and how they put this funding to such innovative and effective use. Read the rest of this entry »

So, a picture really does say a thousand words

It was day three of ‘Exchanging Dreams’, a week long Grundtvig Learner Workshop, promoting informal approaches to photography, film and broadcasting.

I was in Bradford to meet the organisers and to get a taste of  how a UK organisation called Everything is Possible is giving people with fewer opportunities the chance to explore their creative side. Read the rest of this entry »