Leonardo Mobility: Coventry University trainees tell it like it is on You Tube

Mobility funding opportunities allow UK organisations to send learners and staff on work placements across Europe.

Coventry University has produced a fantastic selection of video interviews for its CUTV channel on You Tube. If you want to know how your employees, trainees or students could benefit, these short films offer a unique insight into the learner experience:

I’ve compiled the videos here for you to view:

Employer testimonial (AIM Group):

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Share Your Story

Ecorys and the British Council are holding their first ever competition: Your Story.

It’s open to everyone who has participated in the Lifelong Learning Programme or Youth in Action and this is your chance to share your experience, your skills, and your learning with us.

For each programme there are three different categories that you can enter:

  • Photography
  • Film
  • Written

Just make sure to upload your entry by the 30 September 2011 deadline.

Need help?

Are you feeling creative but stuck at how to edit your photos, storyboard your film or write an article? Over the next month we’re going to help you out with hints and tips for each of the categories. This post is going to focus on photography. Read the rest of this entry »

Plans for the next generation of programmes gather pace

As you may be aware, the current Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) will officially come to an end in 2013 and the European Commission and the LLP National Agencies have been working together to develop plans for its replacement.

The plans are being formulated on the back of a great deal of consultation undertaken across the participating countries as to what the programme has achieved since it began in 2007. I’ve put together this overview of two key elements to this; the interim evaluation, which looks back at successes so far, and the public consultation which makes recommendations for the future.

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Finding a Potential Partner

If you’re a first time applicant to one of our funding streams, the amount of opportunities available and what to apply for can be over-whelming. We’re always here to help whether it’s through a comment on our blog, tweeting at us, looking at our websites or ringing our helpline.

A great way to begin your journey with us is by attending a Contact Seminar. You can meet potential new partners and brainstorm project ideas for Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal funding.

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