Competition: Tell Your Story (in words)

The Your Story competition (words, photography and film) is open till 30 September 2011. This is your chance to win a prize and to demonstrate how the Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action have broadened your horizons.

Following Emma’s guidance on submitting your photos and your films, I’ve put together a few pointers to help you prepare for the written category of the competition.

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Case study: inclusion in the arts

As a relatively recent member to the Ecorys team I enjoy looking at the different projects that have been funded since the Lifelong Learning Programme started in 2007.

The Lifelong Learning Programmes focuses on making learning open and accessible to all.  One of the projects that I have been looking at really encompasses this message.

Inclusion for all

TRASH Arts, together with the Polish Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities and the Slovakian ‘Land of Harmony’ group, received 2008 Grundtvig Partnerships funding to exchange experiences and good practice across theatre, music and visual arts while working with people with special needs. Read the rest of this entry »

Experienced Leonardo project promoter is awarded an MBE

Congratulations go to Joyce Amato of Newham College in London, who has been awarded an MBE. Her colleagues have summarised her achievements better than I could (below) but I wanted to add a note about my experience of meeting Joyce three years ago. I was with a camera crew, visiting Joyce on her ‘home turf’ at the college’s East Ham campus. We were filming a case study about Joyce’s project in order to promote the Leonardo programme.

Joyce has this wonderful way with people and, walking through the corridors with her, I had a sense of what a popular woman she is – as much so with students as with her team.

This picture says it all really. As we were leaving, the cameraman took this photo of Joyce with two students outside the entrance. To me it captures a person who is truly at ease in her environment and who inspires warmth and goodwill from other people:

Joyce Amato with students at Newham College, East Ham Campus

On behalf of everyone here at Ecorys I’d like to say once again: congratulations Joyce for this well deserved recognition. Best of luck with your future project applications (may there be many more)!

View our video interview with Joyce and her team:

Leonardo Partnerships video clip from LLP UKECORYS on Vimeo.

Here’s a news release from Joyce’s colleagues:

Joyce Amato, Head of Transnational Projects at Newham College was awarded an MBE by Her Royal Highness The Queen this weekend. Included in the annual birthday honours list, Joyce was rewarded for her pioneering, transnational work within Newham College, and in particular for helping thousands of young people from East London experience life in a different culture.  

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Share Your Story: Avoiding the Cutting Room Floor

In a previous post we talked about taking the perfect photo to submit to the Your Story competition.  This is the second in our series of posts helping you out with hints and tips for your Film entry.

The video can be a maximum of four minutes in length and it is a chance for you to get creative.  Think of all the different films, videos, clips on TV and across the Internet that you could use to motivate you and help you avoid the cutting room floor.

What to Film?

It might be that you have shot some footage as part of your project or it could be that you want to do something new but are stuck for ideas.  Think about all the different types of video you could create and have a look at what the professionals produce for inspiration: Read the rest of this entry »

Your story: Making Lifelong Learning a Reality

2011 LLP Valorisation Conference, The Public, West Bromwich, 30 June 2011

Like many of the team I was involved in organising last week’s Valorisation Conference in West Bromwich. The event was hosted by Ecorys and the British Council and featured projects from across the Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action.

The day got off to a lively start with presentations from Everything is Possible and some of their beneficiaries, followed by Derbyshire County Council with pupils from the Pingle School sharing their experience of a Comenius Regio project. Both groups did a fantastic job!

The rest of the morning was given over to discussions focusing on three themes: Inclusion, Innovation and Development which gave delegates the opportunity to share their experiences of being involved in the LLP and Youth in Action. I took part in some of the discussions on Inclusion. It was fantastic to hear so many inspiring stories as well as hearing directly from some of the programme beneficiaries about their experiences.
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