A Leonardo promoter’s experience

Nigel Engert from Sherborne Town Council

Nigel Engert

Nigel Engert from Sherborne Town Council has written a guest post on his experiences of Leonardo.  As part of Sherborne Area Partnership, Nigel has helped to send and host students, from across Europe, thanks to Leonardo funding:

Leonardo in Sherborne, Dorset

I have been hosting Leonardo students since 2003, initially in Somerset and then in Dorset from October 2004.  My first students helped me to support YOUTH (now Youth in Action) Action 2 European Voluntary Service volunteers on placement in 5 locations across Somerset. Read the rest of this entry »

Your Story Competition: deadline 30 September!

The deadline for our Your Story competition is fast approaching with only 8 days left to submit your entry.

It’s open to everyone who has participated in the Lifelong Learning Programme or Youth in Action and this is your chance to share your experience, your skills, and your learning with us through photos, film or words.

If you’re still struggling for ideas why not have a look at our hints and tips to:

There are many exciting prizes on offer including an Amazon Kindle, a Flip Camcorder and £100 of Amazon vouchers.  What are you waiting for?  Enter Today!

Made for each other: Leonardo Mobility and Europass

Europass is designed to help you make your skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood when seeking employment in another European country. In a similar way Europass makes it easier for UK organisations to recognise your experience working or training throughout Europe. This makes Europass an essential tool for learners and organisations involved in Leonardo Mobility projects.

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Disseminating your Project Online: Shout from the Rooftops

Running a successful project is an enjoyable experience and you can often want to shout from the rooftops to anyone who will listen about the highs (and the lows) of your project.

This is definitely one way to get noticed but there are other ways to get noticed by anyone and everyone from the European Commission, to other project promoters, and to members of the general public who might potentially benefit from your project. Read the rest of this entry »