Showcasing your success

As many of you will know, this year Ecorys and the British Council launched a competition for the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action Programmes.

Participants of the programmes were asked to take part in a competition and tell us their stories through word, film and photography. We asked them to demonstrate how the programmes have helped to really broaden their horizons, given them the opportunity to explore new countries and cultures, make new friends, learn another language, gain new skills and share exciting experiences. Read the rest of this entry »

Light on the Path: Leonardo Partnership

Light on the Path from Glasgow have recently come to the end of a 2-year Leonardo Partnership sharing good practice around employability. They worked with partners in Ireland and Sweden to look at methods of empowering people with barriers to employment. Have a look at some videos of the project in action…

The group at the start of their visit to Scotland:

The partners visiting Discover Opportunities in Dundee:

You can find more videos and interviews with participants on the Spreading Holistic Re-empowering Employability website:

If you would like to work with European partners to share best practice around vocational training and/or employability, take a look at our guide to Leonardo Partnerships or contact us on 0845 199 2929 to speak to one of the team!

Quality learning in museums

Gina Koutsika, Head of National Programmes and Projects at the Imperial War Musuem, received 2011 Grundtvig Visits and Exchanges funding to attend the 2011 ICOM CECA annual conference: Old questions, new answers – Quality Criteria for Museum Education.

The conference took place in Zagreb, Croatia in September and brought together professionals from around the world to discuss criteria for quality learning in museums.

Gina’s experience

The conference was a chance to explore what the international community of museums professionals mean by ‘good’ museum learning, what the criteria we need to use are, and how we can assess whether we are successful in what we do. We debated what we mean by standards in museum education and whether the global economic crisis influences the quality of our work. We also investigated how training programmes for museum professionals have involved over the years and how these changes are reflected in the performance of learning inside and outside the museums. Read the rest of this entry »

META Europe: Media training across Europe

Mary Dowson from Bradford Community Broadcasting received 2011 Grundtvig In-Service Training funding for her META Europe: Media training across Europe project.   The project is bringing together community media practitioners and adult educators from across Europe to reflect , learn and develop in all areas of media training.

Mary’s experience

My name is Mary Dowson and I am the Director of BCB Community Radio in Bradford, West Yorkshire.  In June 2011, I was fortunate enough to be part of a group of 15 people who came together from across the EU in the beautiful ‘pueblo blanco’ village of Algodonales in Andalusia, to take part in the META training course. Read the rest of this entry »

We’ve been listening: changes to the Leonardo website

If you’ve visited our Leonardo website recently you might have noticed some changes.  We’ve been working hard this year to really think about how you navigate through the site and to try and take you on a journey through all our information.

View the video to find out what we’ve improved:

We’re always here to listen to your suggestions.  Please free to comment below with any feedback that you have and what you’d like to see for the future.

Commission singles out four UK Leonardo projects for special praise

We’re excited to announce that four UK project promoters have been included in the European Commission’s list of ‘best 2007-funded Leonardo Transfer of Innovation projects’.  Congratulations go to GEMS Northern Ireland, Nottingham Trent University, The Steel Construction Institute and Visit Scotland (Tourist Board Training).

Here is a quick summary of the projects and their achievements.

Read the rest of this entry »

Thank you for attending our Information Days

We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended our Information Days.  We’ve been to six different locations and hundreds of you came along and listened to our workshops and participated in our fact-finding sessions.

At our final Information Day in Manchester on the 20th October, Brian Holmes, Head of Department at the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture spoke about the Lifelong Learning Programme Centralised Actions 2012.

I caught up with him after his presentation to find out why he felt our Information Days were so useful. Read the rest of this entry »

Video interview: European Leonardo placements for apprentices

I recorded this video interview with John Perry at our Birmingham information day in July. Before his recent retirement, John ran Leonardo projects for Lancaster and Morecambe College for many years. I asked him to share his experience of working with local employers to organise European placements for apprentices.

For more on European opportunities for apprentices through the Leonardo programme, read our guide.