Merry Christmas from llpUKecorys

Christmas Tree

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year from the Lifelong Learning Programme Team at Ecorys

Grundtvig Learner Workshop: confidence and strategies for mature students to succeed at language learning

Consilium Development Trust received 2011 Grundtvig funding for their 5 day Learner Workshop.   The Workshop was attended by 16 participants from 8 different European countries.  The participants had the chance to explore different learning strategies that would help to succeed in learning a language.

The participants were able to meet and speak with local people during the Workshop as well as spending time with UK language learners at Birmingham’s Brasshouse Language Centre. Read the rest of this entry »

Thematic Networking: A little more about what we discuss…

As some of you may know our Thematic Networking group (TNG) activities don’t just celebrate the achievements of the Lifelong Learning Programme. They also bring together policy and practioners to discuss four key themes. Recently we told you about the event in Belfast in November, which you can read more about in our Executive Summary.

The four groups had really interesting discussions during the workshop sessions which we’d like to share with you.  Read the rest of this entry »

Commpact: Grundtvig Partnership

Commpact received 2011 Grundtvig Partnership funding for their International Language of Folkloric Dances, INTLANFOLDAN, project.  They are one of the five partners involved in this project, the lead partner, based in Tarus, Turkey, is co-ordinating the other partners based in Poland, Italy, Lithuania and the UK.

As the UK partner, Commpact, will present best practice in motivating disadvantaged immigrants who are experiencing cultural, linguistic and economic barriers and who wish to get back into education.  Their skills, and those of their partners, will help the project to encourage social and cultural development throughout the partner countries using the medium of dance. Read the rest of this entry »

Thematic Networking: Farry celebrates the LLP in Northern Ireland

We were really pleased to welcome Northern Ireland’s Employment and Learning Minister, Dr Stephen Farry, to our latest Thematic Networking event which took place in Belfast on 23rd November.

The event was well attended with over seventy delegates from across the UK making the trip to Belfast to hear from Dr Farry, who spoke about how the LLP contributes to achieving Northern Ireland’s skills strategy. Michael Gould, Assistant Director of the Skills Division in the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland, presented the skills strategy in more detail. Read the rest of this entry »

Experience of a Transversal participant

Mark Slade, from the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre, has written a guest blog post about his experience of his 2011 Transversal Study Visit.  The visit made such an impact on Mark that he is now looking to host a Study Visit to benefit future participants as well as the Further Education Centre.

European and global dimensions in education

In April 2011 I was part of Group 161 and travelled to Slovenia to attend a course called “European and global dimensions in education”.  The event was professionally organised and included many activities such as lesson observations, visits to a schools and colleges and the Ministry of Education. There were delegates from across Europe; Romania, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Bulgaria and Lithuania. Read the rest of this entry »