Back to Learning: Back to Work – UK Contact Seminar

Every year a series of Contact Seminars are held across Europe, they are organised by National Agencies in order to provide the perfect forum for organisations to come together to discuss project ideas as well as build relationships with partners.

For those of you that have already taken part in a Contact Seminar, you will know that they are a great way kick start your application and can help you develop your initial project ideas into detailed project plans.
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Case study: attending a conference with Grundtvig funding

Each year the European Commission organise ,and encourage, a range of events held on a specific theme.  Last year was the European Year of Volunteering (EY2011).  Many of you organised and attended these events with funding from the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Stanley Miller, from the Third Age Trust, received 2011 Grundtvig Visits and Exchanges funding to attend and speak at the ‘Voluntary Work and the Third Age’ symposium whose theme was chosen to relate and contribute towards the EY2011.

“By undertaking this visit I was enabled to make a continuing contribution to the development of Lifelong Learning and to international understanding in the context of the European Year of Volunteering.” Read the rest of this entry »

Erasmus for All Update – House of Lords report, European Parliament Public Hearing

The European Commission’s Erasmus for All proposal has been debated intensively since its publication in November 2011. March saw the public airing of some of the views held by stakeholders at UK and European level.

  • House of Lords publishes views on expansion of education and training programmes
  • European Parliament’s CULT Committee praises the Lifelong Learning Programme but rejects current Erasmus for All proposal

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Read the latest edition of edUKation

The latest edition of edUKation is now available to download.  edUKation is our quarterly newsletter containing updates from the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes.

In this edition

edUKation issue 19

In issue 19 you can read about Paul Baron, who has recently been awarded an MBE for his work in supporting vulnerable children across the world.  You can also read about:

  • Erasmus for All: find out about plans for the successor to the LLP
  • The National Apprenticeship Service acknowledging Leonardo Mobility opportunities
  • The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012

Download issue 19 of edUKation

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Previous editions

You can find previous editions of edUKation in our resource centre.

‘Bon jour’ to the newest member of the team

A short while ago we said ‘Au revoir’ to Karine Jacques, head of the Leonardo programme, as she left to start a new chapter of her life and prepare for the arrival of her first child.

The LLP team are happy to welcome little Anzu into the world and are glad that mum, dad and the new arrival are all doing well.

Newest member of the team

Preparatory Visits: the first step to Leonardo or Grundtvig funding

Within our Leonardo and Grundtvig programmes we offer a range of funding for projects but what you might not know is that we also offer a type of funding called Preparatory Visits.

A step to finding the right partner

Preparatory Visits funding is available to you when your project is just a gem of an idea and you are looking for the right partners to help develop it further and bring it to life for your application for Leonardo or Grundtvig funding. Read the rest of this entry »