Briefing Decision-Makers for the Future

On the 29th May, I got my first taste of a Thematic Network Group event. These bi-annual events look into key areas affecting both formal and non-formal learning.

Erasmus for All

The plenary session was a very lively question-time style debate, which centred around the Erasmus for Allproposal for the next generation of programmes which will be launched in 2014. Within the proposal is the consolidation of the current programmes, with a dedicated Sport and Youth strand. This streamlined approach will have a new name (a moot point for many) but regardless of the final form the proposals take, what was clear to me is that the passion for learning in that room was in abundance. Read the rest of this entry »

Share ‘Your Story’ – enter the Lifelong Learning Programme competition today!

Last month we launched the Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action competition.

This is your chance to tell us and others ‘Your Story’ and share what involvement in these programmes has meant to you, your participants or your organisation.

It’s easy to enter . You can submit a story, portfolio of photos or a film through the competition website at

With prizes of up to £250 in Amazon vouchers and the chance to see your stories in print and online, it’s a great opportunity to share your experience with others.

Get involved today and start thinking of how you can create a winning entry. The competition is open until 28 September 2012.

Good luck.


Erasmus for All – your views

The Lifelong Learning Programme will be drawing to an end next year and will be replaced by a new programme, currently called Erasmus for All.

We recently held a panel discussion on the topic during our Thematic Networking event in May where a panel of UK experts gave their views on the proposal for the future EU education and youth programme. During the discussion we tweeted some of the points raised which included: Read the rest of this entry »

2012 Information Days – register to attend today!

I can’t quite believe it is already a year since we were promoting the last round of Information Days – just where does the time go? We saw a record number of organisations attending the events last year, and for those of you that attended we hope that you developed a successful application.

A really useful event, allowed me to gain first hand knowledge of the way into funding has changed recently, also a great opportunity to network and make some new links

Really enjoyed the case studies which provided me with some inspiration and ideas for my project

Feedback from participants of the 2011 Information Days

Why attend?

If you are new to the Lifelong Learning Programme and considering submitting an application for funding under the Leonardo, Grundtvig or Transversal programmes, these are ‘must go’ events. They will really help you make sense of all of the opportunities available and you will walk away with a clear picture of what you can do, and the steps you need to take to be successful. They are equally applicable if you have some knowledge of our programmes, maybe as a previous project participant, but want to learn a bit more about the other opportunities available to you.

This year there will be a packed agenda, with presentations, taster sessions and interactive workshops to choose from. As always the Ecorys team will be on-hand to give advice, guidance and support.

Register your place today

Places at the events are limited, so make sure you don’t miss out by booking your place today. You can register your place at our events through any of the following pages:

Meeting with us at our Information Days really is the best way to find out more but for those who are unable to join us we will upload our presentations from the events onto the website. These will be available in December for you to download.

Best of luck with your application for funding. Please let us know how you get on by tweeting @llpukecorys using #llpinfoday, emailing us  at or commenting on this post.

Adult Education: vision, reality and policy

You may have seen us tweeting during May about a range of activities taking place across the UK to celebrate Adult Learners Week.

So with my fifteen years of experience working in the field of disadvantage and having a particular interest in the topic of adult education, off I went on the train to the ‘Adult Learners’ Week Policy Conference; Widening Participation in Adult Education: vision, reality and policy’, to see for myself what is happening.

Despite the damp weather, the atmosphere in the conference hall was lively, The 2012 Adult Learners Week Awards celebrations had taken place the day before, so there was lots of feel good factor about adult education and anticipation of hearing from an impressive line up of speakers talk about their visions for the future of widening participation in adult learning. Read the rest of this entry »

The funding lifecycle: from application to project start

Each year we receive a record number of applications from across the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes.  We know the time and effort that you put into each application and we wanted to give you an overview of what happens at each stage of the process.

The timeline of a project

For Leonardo Transfer of Innovation, Leonardo Mobility and Leonardo and Grundtvig Partnerships as well as Grundtvig Senior Volunteering the project timeline is very similar.  We’ll be doing a follow up post on the timeline for Grundtvig In-Service Training, Grundtvig Visits and Exchanges and Transversal Study Visits. Read the rest of this entry »