Share Your Story by midnight tonight!

Our Your Story competition ends at midnight on the 28 September and is 0pen to organisations and individuals who have taken part in any part of the Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action. You might be the lead partner of a Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project, or attended a Study Visit through Transversal funding, or you might have been a Senior Volunteer as part of the Grundtvig programme, if you have received funding from the National Agency since 2007 then you are eligible to enter.

You can enter in one, or all, of our three categories:

  • Film. Share Your Story in a film of up to 4 minutes in length.
  • Photos. Share Your Story with a portfolio of 4 photos each with a caption of up to 50 words.
  • Words. Share Your Story through a written piece of up to 1000 words.

For inspiration from last year’s winners, the terms and conditions, and to upload your entry visit:

Good luck!

Thank you to everyone who has entered so far and to all those who will be entering today, don’t forget to upload your entry by midnight tonight (28 September).

We will be announcing the winners on our competition website and on our blog so keep an eye out to see if Your Story is a winner!

Erasmus for All…..MEPs propose a new name

The European Parliament’s Culture and Education Committee met on the 19 September to discuss the Erasmus for All report compiled by Doris Pack, Chair of the Committee.  The report sets out some significant changes and recommendations to the Commissions current proposal for the next generation of programmes.

The name ‘Erasmus for All’ has always been unpopular with the Committee.  As part of her work, Doris Pack asked the European Commission to suggest a new name and this was put forward for the first time during the meeting – Youth, Education and Sport Europe – ‘YES Europe’. The proposed new name received overall support from the Committee.

Doris Pack gave clarification on some of the recommendations outlined in the report, this included: Read the rest of this entry »

Share ‘Your Story’ in the Lifelong Learning Programme competition – one week left to enter!

Time is running out to submit your entry for our Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action competition. It is a chance for you to share ‘Your Story’ through film, photos and words.  Open to organisations and individuals, you can share what the involvement in these programmes has meant to you.

How to enter

It’s easy to enter. You can submit a story, portfolio of photos or a film through the competition website at

With prizes of up to £250 in Amazon vouchers and the chance to see your stories in print and online, it’s a great opportunity to share your experience with others.

After inspiration?

Last year we created a series of blog posts to help you create your entry, why not take a look at these and get inspired.

You can also have a look at last year’s winners in our previous blog post:

Make sure you submit your entry by midnight on the 28 September. Good luck!

A few things we’ve heard about recently…

We love hearing about your projects and like to share your news and events through our websites, through Twitter, our blog and our YouTube channel.

Here are just a few of the things that we have heard about in the last month:

Starting up

After hearing about successful applications for funding, via Twitter, in May we are now hearing about the start of these projects:

It is very exciting to hear about the start of projects and we look forward to hearing more updates along the way. Keep us up to date with your journey on Twitter by tweeting @llpUKecorys. Read the rest of this entry »

Inspiring a generation

Reportedly more than 4 million people visited the Olympic Park for the London 2012 games over the Summer. I was lucky enough to be one of those people and as I arrived at the Olympic Park what immediately struck me was the enormity of the whole event. From the sheer scale of the park, to being greeted by the excellent ‘games makers’, through to seeing proud Olympians holding aloft their medals, the dedication by all involved to make this ‘the greatest show on earth’ totally shone through.

With so many sports on offer, it was quite a challenge to decide which to see, but amongst the several events I saw was the very popular Goalball. This is a game which combines skill, judgement, concentration and excellent spatial awareness as athletes with varying degrees of visual impairment compete wearing eyeshades.

Read the rest of this entry »

Looking to the future

It is a big welcome back to all of you who have been off for the Summer holidays, we look forward to tweeting with you and also seeing you at our upcoming events.  If you are just getting back into the swing of things, here is some of what you missed during August:

  • The 2013 Call for Proposals was released.
    This is the last round of funding under the current Lifelong Learning Programme, the application forms and guidance will soon be available on our websites and we’ll keep you up to date with the latest via our websites, e-flashes, twitter and of course on our blog.
  • Erasmus for All, the next steps.
    The Culture and Education Committee met for their first official exchange of views on the proposal and we looked at the next steps before the new funding programme starts in 2014.
  • Changes to the Grundtvig website
    We’ve been working hard to make sure the journey through Grundtvig funding is as easy as possible, making changes to the website will help you through the application process whether you are an individual or an organisation.

What’s next?

It is a busy time for us with the start of our Information Days (there is still time to register for an event near you) and the release of our application forms. We are also nearing the end of our competition (there is still time to enter although time is running out!) and have also published the latest edition of edUKation.

What are the next steps for you? Are you attending one of our Information Days? Or are you still looking for partners for a project? Why not let us know your next steps and your questions in the comments and we’ll be happy to help.

Read the latest edition of edUKation

The latest edition of edUKation is now available to download.  edUKation is our quarterly newsletter containing updates from the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes.

edUKation 20In this edition

In issue 20 you can read about how Filton College is supporting the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence with the help of the Leonardo programme. You can also read about:

  • Erasmus for All: a diary of events
  • Developing successful partnerships
  • Inclusion, celebrating Lifelong Learning for All

Download issue 20 of edUKation

Subscribe to edUKation

You can sign up to our mailing list to receive edUKation straight to your inbox.  You can also sign up for our monthly e-flashes for the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes:

Previous editions

You can find previous editions of edUKation in our resource centre.