Supporting the UK…part two

Each year we produce a series of publications showing how the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes provide funding for projects and activities all around the UK. These publications are sent directly to elected policymakers and key stakeholders to help raise their awareness of the good work done by the programmes in their country. This year, we would like to share them with you on our blog.

This is the second post in the series examining how the funding our programmes provide helps organisations, educators and learners in Scotland.  Read our first post in the series:  Supporting Northern Ireland.

Supporting Scotland

Scotland is extremely active in the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes. Organisations in the country have been awarded over 12.3 million euro since the Lifelong Learning Programme started in 2007. In 2011 the country was awarded nearly 4 million euro which equates to around 13% of the total amount of UK funding and 9% of the total number of projects funded across the UK. As Scotland’s share of the UK population is approximately 8%, the country is performing well. Read the rest of this entry »

Thematic Networking event: active citizenship, employability and an ageing UK

You may have read Emma’s recent post on Older People’s Day on the 1 October and the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (EY2012). What does an ageing population mean to the UK? What does it mean for employability and active citizenship? Our next Thematic Networking event will look into this topic in more detail from a UK perspective.

The forthcoming event, at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London on the 29 November, will bring together over 60 policy makers and Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) project practitioners. Delegates will have the opportunity to hear from Brian Keating, from the Department for Work and Pensions , on work currently being undertaken on active ageing by the UK Government. Read the rest of this entry »

Supporting the UK

Each year we produce a series of publications showing how the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes provide funding for projects and activities all around the UK. These publications are sent directly to elected policymakers and key stakeholders to help raise their awareness of the good work done by the programmes in their country. This year, we would like to share them with you on our blog!

Over the next few weeks we’ll be publishing a series of posts looking at our programmes in the different countries of the UK. First up, Northern Ireland…

Supporting Northern Ireland

Since 2007 organisations across Northern Ireland have been awarded over 8.3 million euro in grants through our programmes. This translates into hundreds of projects and training activities allowing organisations to upskill their staff, improve their educational provision and provide a better experience for their learners.

Northern Ireland performs well in the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes. In 2011 it was awarded around 6% of funded projects in the UK, and around 8% of UK funding. As Northern Ireland’s population is around 3% of the UK’s total population we think this represents excellent levels of participation. Read the rest of this entry »

Senior Volunteering makes a French Connection…

Senior volunteers from Tameside, Greater Manchester were inspired and enthused by their recent placement in France. The volunteers were recruited by New Charter Housing Trust who in partnership with Association Montigny International has put together a series of volunteering activities surrounding cooking and horticulture – ideal for the domestic gods and goddesses or the green fingered among them.

Montigny has been twinned with Denton since 1993 and with strong links between the two towns it created the perfect platform for the organisations to come together in partnership to run a Senior Volunteering Project. The collaboration allowed New Charter Housing Trust to offer unique experiences to their volunteers and helped to expand and promote the work of the volunteers with residents in their community.

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Is enough being done to support an ageing Europe?

Today we celebrate Older People’s Day across Europe, as it is also the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity  between Generations (EY2012) it is the chance to raise awareness of the issues, challenges and barriers facing the older generation.

Picture of an ageing Europe

It has been well researched that the population of Europe is an ageing one, and people of 60, 70, 80 or above still make a valuable contribution to our local, regional and national communities. There are more people in the UK that are of a pensionable age than there are at school, across Europe life expectancy is rising while the number of people being born is decreasing.  Initiatives such as the EY2012 and Older Peoples day are helping to raise awareness of our older generation and how the generations can work together for the benefit of all.

I can take, for example, my own parents who have both recently turned 60, both are still active and still in work but if they suddenly faced unemployment, how easy would it be for them to remain active citizens? Well, I know from the funding we provide as the National Agency that they could be involved as Senior Volunteers through Grundtvig funding. If they wanted to return to employment the default retirement age is being phased out in the UK so would mean that they could continue to work as long as they were fit and healthy, they would also be protected against age discrimination through the Equality Act. Read the rest of this entry »