It’s never too late to learn

Happy Learning at Work Day! For any of you who may not know, today is the Campaign for Learning’s annual awareness day to support learning in the workplace. LAW day forms part of Adult Learners’ Week, which draws to a close tomorrow, so we take a look at the biggest annual celebration of workplace learning and the wider European agenda for adult learning.

Many ways to learn

The theme for this year’s Learning at Work day is just that. The campaign highlights the point that now, possibly more than ever, workplaces and their staff need to build their skills in a bid to tackle the economic downturn.

Learners, workplaces and learning providers can all take part in this year’s event and there are initiatives across the country to encourage people to learn. You can see all these available so far here. Thousands of organisations took part in the campaign last year and staged business-related learning activities. This was all with the aim to provide new skills where  employees could uncover hidden talents and show there is no age limit for learning.

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Learning for a better world

Ahead of Adult Learners’ Week 2013 which begins on Saturday, Grundtvig senior project manager, Ieva Mais, visited the NIACE Learning for a Better World Conference in Cardiff.

Learning for a better world

I attended the Learning for a Better World conference organised by NIACE in Cardiff on 28-29 April. It brought together practitioners, policy makers, researchers and adult learners from several European countries to discuss the UK’s contribution to the Agenda in three main areas:

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Why ‘Everything is Possible’ for driven young people

Two very different projects working with young people got in touch with us recently to share their successes in boosting their participants’ skills and confidence. We thought we would share their achievements in youth volunteering and apprenticeship standards. Read the rest of this entry »

Erasmus for All – a simple introduction

If you’ve been keeping track of developments on the new education, youth and sport programme due to start next year, you’ll know that it’s quite a complicated area! With this in mind, we’ve asked our LLP Director, Chris Walker, to explain the proposal for the new programme as simply as possible…this short film is the result. Read the rest of this entry »

Making the most of your Individual Mobility

The Lifelong Learning Programme is drawing to a close; over the last 7 years it has funded countless organisations and individuals. Throughout the year, we are still funding opportunities through Grundtvig and Transversal: In-Service Training, Visits & Exchanges and Study Visits.

Breaking the ice

These three opportunities have their similarities: they all fund individuals to develop skills and exchange expertise with their peers. If you have recently been successful with your application, or are due to go on your Mobility shortly, there are things that you can do to ensure you are prepared and make the most out of your experience.  For example, Alison Walton-Robson of Headway Arts, before attending her In-Service Training course in Italy, not only read the required reading provided by the host organisation but also:

On my own initiative I looked at travel guides of the Bologna region. I also used iPad apps and other online language preparation/research such as ‘Easy Italian’, I wanted to be able to speak basic sentences.

Our opportunities are not only about enhancing your CV they are also the chance to add a European element to your training. Basic cultural preparation can make the difference in those first few minutes of meeting your host and fellow participants. At our Transversal Briefing Seminars one of our top tips is to find out about the group: Read the rest of this entry »

Read the latest edition of edUKation

The latest edition of edUKation is now available to download.  edUKation is our quarterly newsletter containing updates from the Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal programmes.

In this editioneduk21 (2)

In issue 21 you can read about how Borders College scooped the International Award at the 2012 Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) ceremony for their links and partnerships developed through mobility projects. You can also read about:

  • Enhancing skills and employability of UK Apprenticeships
  • Erasmus for All: moving closer to the new programme
  • 2013 European Year of Citizens

Download issue 21 of edUKation

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