Leonardo Transfer of Innovation: Planning your Final Report

“Those who plan do better than those who do not plan even though they rarely stick to their plan.” – Winston Churchill.

An example of a final report formHere at the UK National Agency we agree with Winston, which is why we wanted to help Leonardo Transfer of Innovation projects from the 2012 Call to start planning their final reports early this year, in time for the November deadline.

As anyone who has completed an LLP-funded project knows, the final report is an essential part of any project manager or promoter’s process. Contrary to popular belief, however, the final report doesn’t have to be daunting; it’s a chance to showcase the success of your project as much as it’s a grant requirement.

Final report seminar – 27 June

Last month we held a final report seminar at Austin Court in Birmingham, a venue that may be familiar to LLP promoters who have attended previous seminars and workshops. Delegates were provided with a detailed resource pack to help with completing the report, including financial guidance and some FAQs.

“At #LeonardoTOI workshop for our final report training. Lots of guidance and support.” – @NickGREltd

A group of Erasmus+ staff were there, many of whom are project officers for Transfer of Innovation projects; others were relatively new faces keen to find out a bit more about the programme.

There was an impressive range of topics covered:

James Magee stands in front of a lecturn giving a presentation on hints and tips for completing the report

James Magee from Diversity Works gives his hints and tips

  • Detailed advice on each section of the final report form by TOI project officers Kim and Vicky.
  • An insight into how to share your project’s success through dissemination by Emma from the Erasmus+ communications team.
  • An interactive pop quiz to test delegates’ knowledge of the ADAM database by TOI project officer Gavin.
  • Two presentations from experienced project promoters: Marie Cavanagh of Gingerbread NI providing a great case study for the potential of the programme with her project ‘Restart 2’ and James Magee of Diversity Works sharing his all-important hints and tips for completing the report.
  • Comprehensive and indispensable information on completing the report’s financial tables from John from the Erasmus+ assurance team.
  • Interactive sessions were held in the afternoon focusing on financial management and creating and promoting sustainable projects.

All of these presentations can be found on the final report seminar section of the Leonardo TOI website along with plenty of other resources which you may find useful for completing your final report.

Networking and nibbling

From a communications team perspective, another great aspect of the day was the networking we were able to do over lunchtime. Accompanied by a (delicious!) buffet lunch, we spoke with various project promoters and encouraged them to contact us on our new social media channels with updates.

We also used the hashtag #LeonardoTOI during the event so that the technologically-inclined amongst the group could join in the conversation on Twitter as well.

A room full of event attendees getting to know each other

Seminar delegates getting to know each other

You may have noticed that this year we have begun running some really successful webinars to help you through key reporting stages, and we’re hoping to keep improving and expanding on these for the Erasmus+ programme. Let us know in the comments below if you’ve attended one of our webinars and would like to share your thoughts!

Stay tuned for future events, including our upcoming Erasmus+ annual conference and Learning Network event this autumn.

Remember that the deadline for submitting your Leonardo Transfer of Innovation final report is 30th November (unless otherwise stated in your grant agreement). Please visit the Leonardo website for more information and resources from the day, and don’t forget to contact us on Twitter or on Facebook with your project updates!

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