Why you can learn a language: 4 common linguistic myths

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European Day of Languages 2014

Whether you aspire to becoming a talented multi linguist or to learn some basic phrases there are many benefits to learning a new language regardless of age or ability.  So as today is European Day of Languages what better time to dispel some linguistic myths? And take a look at some inspiring language focused projects as examples of how language learning can be included in your Erasmus+ projects… 

#1 Was ist mit der Sprachbarriere?
(What about the language barrier?)

Immerse yourself! Whether it is yourself or your participants going abroad another language can be daunting. But as Royal Forest of Dean College showed in their Leonardo mobility project, it can be overcome. Catering students worked alongside experienced chefs in Italy and were set tasks such as going into the town and sourcing local cheeses, wines and cured meats to learn about ingredients. They spent two weeks working in a hotel kitchen learning to create Italian delicacies authentically. As one participant, Amy, explained:

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5 things coming soon from the NA this autumn

School, university, work? Whichever applies to you from the above, September is a month of ‘back to’s’. It’s also the start of our activities to support you applying for Erasmus+ funding in 2015.

shutterstock_113583727As the 2015 Call is due to be published this month; we recently published an editorial on what you can expect. The European Commission publishes a Call for Proposals each year which provides high-level details on programme eligibility, award criteria, budgets and application deadlines so that you can apply for funding for your projects. Here’s a rundown of things you can do to prepare in the meantime:

1. New to Erasmus+?
Check out our briefing sessions in Belfast, Cardiff, Glasgow and London during October and November. These half-day events are for organisations who have not previously applied for Erasmus+ funding and who want to know more. Registration is free but places are on a ‘first come first served’ basis so don’t delay!

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