Why you can learn a language: 4 common linguistic myths

European Day of Languages logo

European Day of Languages 2014

Whether you aspire to becoming a talented multi linguist or to learn some basic phrases there are many benefits to learning a new language regardless of age or ability.  So as today is European Day of Languages what better time to dispel some linguistic myths? And take a look at some inspiring language focused projects as examples of how language learning can be included in your Erasmus+ projects… 

#1 Was ist mit der Sprachbarriere?
(What about the language barrier?)

Immerse yourself! Whether it is yourself or your participants going abroad another language can be daunting. But as Royal Forest of Dean College showed in their Leonardo mobility project, it can be overcome. Catering students worked alongside experienced chefs in Italy and were set tasks such as going into the town and sourcing local cheeses, wines and cured meats to learn about ingredients. They spent two weeks working in a hotel kitchen learning to create Italian delicacies authentically. As one participant, Amy, explained:

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5 things coming soon from the NA this autumn

School, university, work? Whichever applies to you from the above, September is a month of ‘back to’s’. It’s also the start of our activities to support you applying for Erasmus+ funding in 2015.

shutterstock_113583727As the 2015 Call is due to be published this month; we recently published an editorial on what you can expect. The European Commission publishes a Call for Proposals each year which provides high-level details on programme eligibility, award criteria, budgets and application deadlines so that you can apply for funding for your projects. Here’s a rundown of things you can do to prepare in the meantime:

1. New to Erasmus+?
Check out our briefing sessions in Belfast, Cardiff, Glasgow and London during October and November. These half-day events are for organisations who have not previously applied for Erasmus+ funding and who want to know more. Registration is free but places are on a ‘first come first served’ basis so don’t delay!

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Erasmus+ Community in Motion

As some record breaking A-level results and increases in university places have been circulating in the news, the Erasmus+ programme has the opportunity to start its own records over the next seven years.

“Between now and 2020, 250,000 people will benefit from funding in the UK”

said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.

With over 1,500 applications recieved so far to the UK national agency, for the current 2014 Call year, the target for next year has been set to a high standard. More figures will be released on applications per field and success rate later this year.

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Why you shouldn’t miss our new project support pages…

project support

New project support section on the Erasmus+ website

We’ve launched a new project support area on our website designed to help you through every stage of running your Erasmus+ project.

It contains information for both Key Action 1 Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education projects as well as information for all other fields. We will be adding more information about starting your Key Action 2 projects later in the year.


Next steps
It’s never too early to start planning your project. We will be adding to these pages with all the details about our Start-up seminars, project handbooks, webinars and other activities to help you through the key reporting stages of your project.

How can I promote my project? Keeping on brand 
On our other project support page you will find details of how you can use the European Commission’s Erasmus+ logos on your flyers, project outputs and other promotional materials for your Erasmus+ project.

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The Grass IS Greener on the Other Side

Cooperation and teamwork is more important than ever as we seek to create opportunities and lasting experiences in the fields of education and training. Ecorys UK’s Birmingham office houses some of the delivery team for the Erasmus+ UK National Agency, in partnership with the British Council. On July 4 the team were able to apply the principles of the new programme in its annual commitment to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Office attire was left at home in exchange for garden greens as staff spent a day volunteering at Ackers Adventure.

'Chip off the Old Block' Ecorys UK staff hard at work maintaining the public footpaths.

‘Chip off the Old Block’ Ecorys UK staff hard at work maintaining the public footpaths.

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Four things we’ve learned from Adult Learners’ Week

Adult Learners’ Week led by NIACE celebrates adult learning and its impact on social cohesion, economic vitality and social mobility. From events to inspiring stories there are many activities taking place this week. So here are five key things from this year’s 23rd annual event…

1. Remember the European perspective

NIACE is the UK national coordinator for the European Agenda for adult learning and aims to raise awareness of adult learning and give a higher profile to EU activities – such as the Erasmus+ programme. You can find out more about how to access funding for Adult Education mobility projects and Strategic Partnerships on the Erasmus+ website.

2. Don’t stereotype social media

Grundtvig Partnerships ETNA project

Broadening horizons: the ETNA project

This year’s event hashtag was #ALW14 and learners have been using social media to share their Adult Learners’ Week activities, photos and news. Under the LLP the Grundtvig Partnership ETNA project has showed social media has no limits. Turner Contemporary Gallery worked with five partners to expand their work with the blank canvas group. Based in one of the UK’s oldest seaside resorts, Margate, it brought together participants of all ages to help tackle the town’s ageing population feeling isolated and suffering age stereotypes. The group took part in digital photography, social media and film making workshops alongside activities which boosted participants’ confidence and empowered them to communicate using IT.

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VQ Day, Erasmus+ and One Apprentice’s Story


Earlier this week was VQ Day, an opportunity to celebrate vocational qualifications and their impact on individuals and the UK economy. Lots of activities took place including an awards ceremony to mark great achievements in vocational education and not forgetting a digital message from the Skills Minister to VET learners across the UK.

There were also plenty of ways to get involved online, either by sharing your story in the VQ Day Yearbook, joining the Roll Call or tweeting using the hashtag #vqday. Here in the Erasmus+ UK communications team, we thought we would highlight some of the real life examples of those who have taken the vocational qualifications route to further their career.

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Vine is the way to grow

Vine may be more commonly known as the climbing growth of plants – but in the world of social media the now Twitter-owned Vine app has over 40 million users and has grown a viral trend of its very own. So, we thought we would share how we have been using this social media tool… Read the rest of this entry »

New Erasmus+ Newsletter

We are excited to announce the launch of our new monthly Erasmus+ e-newsletter! Read on to find out how to get all the latest programme news, event sneak-peaks, inspiring project stories and much, much more directly to your inbox…

Read all about it!

newsletterAfter the brief warm spell last weekend there’s no doubt we’re well into the new year, and the new programme. So for all the latest information about the integrated Erasmus+ programme we’d like you to stay in touch with us by signing up. You can even receive news alerts specific to your sector if you opt to receive project information for a particular field.

Don’t worry – we’ll still be letting you know all the relevant news for your Lifelong Learning Programme projects. But it was an emotional time in the comms team this week as we sent the final Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal e-flash.

So, to continue to receive Erasmus+ and LLP news you will need to sign up to our new newsletter to ensure you receive communications from us!

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Today is Europe day!

Happy Europe Day! As the rest of Europe joins to mark this annual event, we thought we’d share how we have been celebrating the new programme and looking ahead to the successes Erasmus+ can bring over the next seven years.

What is Europe Day?

Europe Day, or Friday 9 May, celebrates peace and unity in Europe. It also marks the anniversary of the historical Schuman Declaration, which contained a proposal to outline the beginning of what is now the European Union. To celebrate, the EU’s institutions are opening their doors to the public in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg cities.

But here in the UK we have also been celebrating – and what better way to do so than with our delivery teams which just so happen to be named after the three European cities.  This week we took part in a number of activities (including cake baking), on a sunny afternoon in Birmingham and raised money for our charity of the year, the Youth Cancer Trust. This was not only to celebrate Europe Day, but to welcome some new colleagues to the Birmingham Erasmus+ team as they join the programme at a busy and exciting time with applications now received under both Key Action 1 and Key Action 2 for the 2014 Call.


Our teams: Strasbourg, Luxembourg… and Brussels!

The benefits of Erasmus+

The focus of employability and skills from the LLP has continued into Erasmus+ to support youth employment and improve Europe’s competitiveness. One real life example of this can be seen through sports travel company, AMsportstours Leonardo project, where participants from AMsportstours’ soccer schools undertook a two week work placement at the Olympic Institute in Stockholm. Learners gained hands-on experience in a motivational environment and developed their coaching skills while increasing their performance level.

“I completed the two week placement in May and this for me was the experience of a lifetime, the progress I made in two weeks is unbelievable…” – Robbie Lang, Mobility participant

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