Webinar: 2012 Call Leonardo and Grundtvig final reports top tips

Whether it’s back to school, college or even work after your summer break, September is a busy month in the educational calendar. It’s also the time that 2012 Call Grundtvig and Leonardo Partnerships will be getting ready to submit their final reports.

So to help you produce and submit your 2012 Call final report before the 30 September deadline, some of the partnerships team held a series of interactive webinars. The sessions provided practical guidance on how to submit a good quality Final Report, including a demonstration of how the report form works in practice and how to complete the EST database in order to disseminate your project results.

Whether you were able to take part or not, below you can re-watch the session which was delivered by Jess Keller and Natasha Hall on 3 July. You can also view the final report guidance notes on the Leonardo and Grundtvig websites. We hope you enjoy watching!

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6 tips for budding women entrepreneurs

Business womanAlmost one year ago we published this post with some inspiring Lifelong Learning Programme projects which looked at the theme of entrepreneurship. With such relevance for the Erasmus+ programme we thought we would re-post one of our most successful articles – please comment and share your tips if you haven’t done so already! We hope you find these tips useful!

Forbes recently published a report stating that in 2012 alone 126 million women worldwide were starting or running new businesses and an estimated 98 million were developing established businesses.

But it’s not easy starting a new business, especially if you have a family, are over fifty or come from a disadvantaged background. That’s why a number of Lifelong Learning Programme funded projects have focused on supporting female entrepreneurs from all backgrounds to develop the necessary skills to become self-employed. These are just a few tips from our projects if you’re a woman interested in setting up your own business:

1. Learn from other women entrepreneurs

Whether you’re confident about setting up your own business or a little hesitant, talking to other women entrepreneurs who can share their successes and challenges with you can help you learn from best practice and better understand the pitfalls of business.

Fe:male was a Grundtvig funded project that helped women across Europe connect in groups in order to mentor each other in business. Their website provides a wealth of resources and contacts if you’re interested in learning from other women entrepreneurs:
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Leonardo Transfer of Innovation: Planning your Final Report

“Those who plan do better than those who do not plan even though they rarely stick to their plan.” – Winston Churchill.

An example of a final report formHere at the UK National Agency we agree with Winston, which is why we wanted to help Leonardo Transfer of Innovation projects from the 2012 Call to start planning their final reports early this year, in time for the November deadline.

As anyone who has completed an LLP-funded project knows, the final report is an essential part of any project manager or promoter’s process. Contrary to popular belief, however, the final report doesn’t have to be daunting; it’s a chance to showcase the success of your project as much as it’s a grant requirement.

Final report seminar – 27 June

Last month we held a final report seminar at Austin Court in Birmingham, a venue that may be familiar to LLP promoters who have attended previous seminars and workshops. Delegates were provided with a detailed resource pack to help with completing the report, including financial guidance and some FAQs.

“At #LeonardoTOI workshop for our final report training. Lots of guidance and support.” – @NickGREltd

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Celebrating National Women in Engineering Day

“Education and experience with the correct attitude will unlock a world of choices for your career.” Jacqui Snow, apprentice.

Jacqui Snow is a mechanical engineering apprentice who took part in a Leonardo Mobility project in May. Jacqui and a group of five other apprentices travelled to Mannheim in Germany to do a two-week work experience placement with the German company MVV. Germany is one of the leading countries in the world for engineering and Jacqui was keen to find out where many of the “best products, vehicles or inventors have been created.” Whilst on her mobility placement, she took a leading role in the MVV apprenticeship workshops, developed her German language skills and helped to make a beach buggy.

Jacqui and her fellow apprentices with their beach buggy mid-build

Jacqui and her fellow apprentices with their beach buggy mid-build

The placement, organised by City College Plymouth, allowed Jacqui to build on her technical knowledge acquired through her qualifications: a BTEC in Mechanical Engineering and an Advanced Apprenticeship in Manufacturing, Technology and Science. Jacqui also felt that the project developed her communication skills, essential for employability such as team building activities and being confident with presentation skills.

Jacqui says:

“This programme has strengthened my CV and has given me experience of working in engineering across European countries… (It) has proven that I can work to a high standard within a team, as well as being a team leader… I have learnt a great amount about myself, including how to develop my workshop working techniques and I will be able to talk about this in interviews with future employers.”

Jacqui currently holds an unconditional place to study Mechanical Engineering at Plymouth University from September – a real success story!

If you are, like Jacqui, a female engineer taking part in a project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme, don’t forget to get involved by tweeting us your stories @erasmusplusuk!

New Erasmus+ Newsletter

We are excited to announce the launch of our new monthly Erasmus+ e-newsletter! Read on to find out how to get all the latest programme news, event sneak-peaks, inspiring project stories and much, much more directly to your inbox…

Read all about it!

newsletterAfter the brief warm spell last weekend there’s no doubt we’re well into the new year, and the new programme. So for all the latest information about the integrated Erasmus+ programme we’d like you to stay in touch with us by signing up. You can even receive news alerts specific to your sector if you opt to receive project information for a particular field.

Don’t worry – we’ll still be letting you know all the relevant news for your Lifelong Learning Programme projects. But it was an emotional time in the comms team this week as we sent the final Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal e-flash.

So, to continue to receive Erasmus+ and LLP news you will need to sign up to our new newsletter to ensure you receive communications from us!

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Today is Europe day!

Happy Europe Day! As the rest of Europe joins to mark this annual event, we thought we’d share how we have been celebrating the new programme and looking ahead to the successes Erasmus+ can bring over the next seven years.

What is Europe Day?

Europe Day, or Friday 9 May, celebrates peace and unity in Europe. It also marks the anniversary of the historical Schuman Declaration, which contained a proposal to outline the beginning of what is now the European Union. To celebrate, the EU’s institutions are opening their doors to the public in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg cities.

But here in the UK we have also been celebrating – and what better way to do so than with our delivery teams which just so happen to be named after the three European cities.  This week we took part in a number of activities (including cake baking), on a sunny afternoon in Birmingham and raised money for our charity of the year, the Youth Cancer Trust. This was not only to celebrate Europe Day, but to welcome some new colleagues to the Birmingham Erasmus+ team as they join the programme at a busy and exciting time with applications now received under both Key Action 1 and Key Action 2 for the 2014 Call.


Our teams: Strasbourg, Luxembourg… and Brussels!

The benefits of Erasmus+

The focus of employability and skills from the LLP has continued into Erasmus+ to support youth employment and improve Europe’s competitiveness. One real life example of this can be seen through sports travel company, AMsportstours Leonardo project, where participants from AMsportstours’ soccer schools undertook a two week work placement at the Olympic Institute in Stockholm. Learners gained hands-on experience in a motivational environment and developed their coaching skills while increasing their performance level.

“I completed the two week placement in May and this for me was the experience of a lifetime, the progress I made in two weeks is unbelievable…” – Robbie Lang, Mobility participant

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Searching for Success

Search engines provide a conundrum of possibilities that often give you more questions rather than answers; questioning the most appropriate and reliable content to source. For businesses expanding trade it is important to be able to find the right information to understand business culture with your international partners as with students searching for work placements online.

business-culture-p2t2-logo-300x100The 2014 European Search Awards celebrates the very best in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Digital and Content Marketing from around the world. So recently we were delighted to hear that a Lifelong Learning Programme project had been recognised as part of the awards. Shortlisted in the category; Best Use of Search-Third Sector is buisnessculture.org. The website is part of the Passport to Trade 2.0, Transfer of Innovation project launched by University of Salford Business School to provide business culture guides. These include social media etiquette for 31 countries, information on online and face-to-face networking and trade, plus not to mention practical advice for students considering placements abroad. Read the rest of this entry »

Erasmus+ funding can help apprentices go further

National Apprenticeship Week logoToday marks the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2014 (3-7 March), an annual week that aims to raise the profile of apprenticeships amongst employers, individuals, teachers, parents and the media.

Now in its seventh year, National Apprenticeship Week 2014 will celebrate ‘Great Apprenticeships’ and highlight not only the personal career development benefits of apprenticeships, but also the positive impact apprenticeships have on businesses and the wider economy.

As National Apprentice Week celebrates its seven year anniversary, we’re marking the end of an amazing seven years of the Leonardo programme, which helped send over 170 apprentices on high quality work placements in another European country to improve their skills and employability in 2013 alone.

Benefits for apprentices, businesses and colleges

For Deeside College, the Leonardo programme gave them the opportunity to enhance their apprenticeship scheme to better support both Welsh apprentices and engineering companies involved in the scheme. It also helped them to develop better partnerships and networks with companies across Europe, and gave the staff involved a greater understanding of new and emerging technologies.

“The experience of the Leonardo Mobility Project has given me an excellent insight into what working life is like in another country / culture. I gained great confidence in taking part in the project, and I think it is vital more people take part so that they can learn in a different environment and put into perspective what their working lives are like compared with the experiences of others.” Leonardo Mobility Apprentice

Motor Vehicle Students

Shrewsbury College’s Motor Vehicle Students in Turkey.

The Leonardo Mobility Project also enabled seventeen and eighteen-year-olds studying City & Guilds Level 2 courses in Motor Vehicle Technology at Shrewsbury College to put their skills into practice and work on some of the world’s most expensive luxury cars. The funded work placements with Lamborghini, Porsche and Bentley in Istanbul helped the mechanic students gain a competitive edge when looking for work in the automotive sector back in the UK.

Future funding opportunities

The Leonardo programme’s funding may have come to an end, but funding opportunities for apprentices to participate in training placements in another European country will continue under Erasmus+, the new EU funding programme for education, training, youth and sport. Over the course of the next seven years, Erasmus+ will help send thousands of UK apprentices on work experience placements that will:

  • Broaden their knowledge of new techniques that they would not have the opportunity to experience in the UK
  • Enhance their scope of learning opportunities
  • Increase their skills, independence and confidence
  • Increase their employability prospects.

“We want to encourage more young people in the UK to take full advantage of the grants and opportunities available through Erasmus+.” Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Sport, Media and Youth

There are just two weeks left for vocational education and training organisations to apply for Mobility for VET Learners and Staff funding under Erasmus+ in 2014. Apply now via the UK Erasmus+ website and help give your apprentices a European edge.

PM acknowledges award winning LLP promoter

From bearing the olympic torch to being commended by the Prime Minister, Lifelong Learning Programme promoter Kelly Davies does not do things by halves!

And so we were delighted to hear that she had won a Big Society Award for her work tackling youth unemployment and commercial sustainability in football clubs through her organisation Vi-Ability. Kelly, a former professional footballer, founded social enterprise Vi-Ability in 2010 and has since transformed communities across Wales through education, training and employment.

In a press release speaking about the award, Prime Minister David Cameron said:

“Vi-Ability CEO Kelly Davies had the vision to see that football clubs could get a business boost by reaching out to their communities and supporting young people get the skills they need for the future. This Big Society Award recognises the efforts of Kelly and everyone in her team and the impact their work has had across Wales.”

football training

Learning best practice

It’s Leonardo mobility project, Work Based Football Training Programme, saw 15 young unemployed people travel abroad to professional football clubs including Torina S.p.a in Turin to learn best practice, marketing, and other strategies involved in running a professional club.

The placements complemented Vi-Ability’s own football training programme which introduces people to the commercial management of football clubs, and helps them gain understanding of the different roles and responsibilities.

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A collection of future focused LLP case studies from across the UK

With application deadlines for the new programme fast approaching, why not take a look at our collection of future focused Leonardo, Grundtvig and Transversal case studies to help you understand how your current projects could be transferred into Erasmus+.

Building for Erasmus+
Helping you to build your future in Erasmus+

Helping you to build your future in Erasmus+

Last year we produced ‘Building for Erasmus+’ a case study publication which explores how current practice can be transferred into the new programme and features real experiences and outcomes from organisations who have taken part in the Lifelong Learning Programme.

You can read how the LLP has made a difference to organisations and their participants across a range of themes; from enhancing skills and employability, tackling youth unemployment, apprenticeships, partnership building and lobbying for policy change among many others.We hope the experiences you explore here will inspire you to build your future in Erasmus+.

Download Building for Erasmus+