5 things coming soon from the NA this autumn

School, university, work? Whichever applies to you from the above, September is a month of ‘back to’s’. It’s also the start of our activities to support you applying for Erasmus+ funding in 2015.

shutterstock_113583727As the 2015 Call is due to be published this month; we recently published an editorial on what you can expect. The European Commission publishes a Call for Proposals each year which provides high-level details on programme eligibility, award criteria, budgets and application deadlines so that you can apply for funding for your projects. Here’s a rundown of things you can do to prepare in the meantime:

1. New to Erasmus+?
Check out our briefing sessions in Belfast, Cardiff, Glasgow and London during October and November. These half-day events are for organisations who have not previously applied for Erasmus+ funding and who want to know more. Registration is free but places are on a ‘first come first served’ basis so don’t delay!

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6 tips for budding women entrepreneurs

Business womanAlmost one year ago we published this post with some inspiring Lifelong Learning Programme projects which looked at the theme of entrepreneurship. With such relevance for the Erasmus+ programme we thought we would re-post one of our most successful articles – please comment and share your tips if you haven’t done so already! We hope you find these tips useful!

Forbes recently published a report stating that in 2012 alone 126 million women worldwide were starting or running new businesses and an estimated 98 million were developing established businesses.

But it’s not easy starting a new business, especially if you have a family, are over fifty or come from a disadvantaged background. That’s why a number of Lifelong Learning Programme funded projects have focused on supporting female entrepreneurs from all backgrounds to develop the necessary skills to become self-employed. These are just a few tips from our projects if you’re a woman interested in setting up your own business:

1. Learn from other women entrepreneurs

Whether you’re confident about setting up your own business or a little hesitant, talking to other women entrepreneurs who can share their successes and challenges with you can help you learn from best practice and better understand the pitfalls of business.

Fe:male was a Grundtvig funded project that helped women across Europe connect in groups in order to mentor each other in business. Their website provides a wealth of resources and contacts if you’re interested in learning from other women entrepreneurs:
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Four things we’ve learned from Adult Learners’ Week

Adult Learners’ Week led by NIACE celebrates adult learning and its impact on social cohesion, economic vitality and social mobility. From events to inspiring stories there are many activities taking place this week. So here are five key things from this year’s 23rd annual event…

1. Remember the European perspective

NIACE is the UK national coordinator for the European Agenda for adult learning and aims to raise awareness of adult learning and give a higher profile to EU activities – such as the Erasmus+ programme. You can find out more about how to access funding for Adult Education mobility projects and Strategic Partnerships on the Erasmus+ website.

2. Don’t stereotype social media

Grundtvig Partnerships ETNA project

Broadening horizons: the ETNA project

This year’s event hashtag was #ALW14 and learners have been using social media to share their Adult Learners’ Week activities, photos and news. Under the LLP the Grundtvig Partnership ETNA project has showed social media has no limits. Turner Contemporary Gallery worked with five partners to expand their work with the blank canvas group. Based in one of the UK’s oldest seaside resorts, Margate, it brought together participants of all ages to help tackle the town’s ageing population feeling isolated and suffering age stereotypes. The group took part in digital photography, social media and film making workshops alongside activities which boosted participants’ confidence and empowered them to communicate using IT.

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Vine is the way to grow

Vine may be more commonly known as the climbing growth of plants – but in the world of social media the now Twitter-owned Vine app has over 40 million users and has grown a viral trend of its very own. So, we thought we would share how we have been using this social media tool… Read the rest of this entry »

Erasmus + Webinars: Behind the Scenes

Now that our successful round of application guidance webinars has come to a close, we thought we would share with you an exclusive look at their ‘inner workings’.

Over 30 Erasmus+ sessions focusing on Adult Education and Vocational Education and Training took place over a period of three months, with 779 delegates taking part – and from a broad range of sectors.

The webinars provided participants with a general overview of the funding opportunities available to their organisation under Erasmus+ and gave guidance on the registration and application process.

A typical comment was:

“Good clear content, excellent delivery. Obvious knowledge of subject, much appreciated.” – VET webinar participant

During a webinar session staff refer to laptop screen whilst answering questions.

Supporting applicants, Nicola refers to the real time questions whilst presenting.

At Ecorys UK we ran sessions giving tailored application information and detailed guidance on completing the relevant KA1 and KA2 application e-Forms. The real-time chat box allowed participants to fire off their questions to the moderators as the presentation was delivered, creating good engagement between the presenters and participants. Read the rest of this entry »

You’ve commented, you’ve liked and you’ve shared.

Thank you to everyone who has interacted with us on Facebook!

We are delighted to announce that we have reached 200 likes on our Facebook page.  Not much in comparison with Facebook’s 1.6 billion active monthly users you may be thinking, but with LLP it’s much more about the quality of interaction we have with our stakeholders and promoters than sheer quantity.

 Facebook’s mission, according to its website, is to give people the power to share and make the world a more open and connected place. And that is why we created the LLP Facebook page, to provide a space for you to share your project news and comment on sector-related news.  We enjoy hearing what you have to say, so please keep adding your comments to posts and sharing your news on our wall!

We know you want to hear more about the new Erasmus+ programme and we will be communicating more about this as soon as we are able to. In the meantime though, please let us know what other information you would like to see more of on the LLP Facebook page.

 If you or your project are on Facebook and haven’t already liked us on Facebook why not take a look? Visit us at facebook.com/llpUKecorys and let us know what you would like to see more of by posting on our wall or leaving a comment below!

Thank you to our 1,000 followers!

Q: What does the distance in miles from Bristol to Barcelona, the presumed number of legs on a millipede, and the LLP twitter account all have in common?

A: They all come to 1,000!

twitterSince we launched our Twitter account we have sent over 1,900 tweets, been mentioned over 800 times and are proud to announce we now have over 1,000 followers!

We would like to thank all of our projects and promoters who have shared their successes with us through social media. Every day we enjoy seeing your photos, watching your videos and hearing your project news.

We have already had lots to celebrate online as the #EUjourney hashtag from our Making the future possible event where we invited organisations from across the LLP and Youth in Action programmes to celebrate, contribute and continue their learning journey with us was used 224 times. You can see more thoughts from the day in our event Storify.

We hope you will continue to share your successes with us via Twitter and Facebook and also comment on our blog.

So, if you haven’t already done so, follow us on Twitter @llpUKecorys to keep up-to-date with with the latest LLP videos, photos and deadlines as well as information on the new Erasmus+ programme.

6 tips for budding women entrepreneurs

Business womanForbes recently published a report stating that in 2012 alone 126 million women worldwide were starting or running new businesses and an estimated 98 million were developing established businesses.

But it’s not easy starting a new business, especially if you have a family, are over fifty or come from a disadvantaged background. That’s why a number of Lifelong Learning Programme funded projects have focused on supporting female entrepreneurs from all backgrounds to develop the necessary skills to become self-employed. These are just a few tips from our projects if you’re a woman interested in setting up your own business:

1. Learn from other women entrepreneurs

Whether you’re confident about setting up your own business or a little hesitant, talking to other women entrepreneurs who can share their successes and challenges with you can help you learn from best practice and better understand the pitfalls of business.

Fe:male was a Grundtvig funded project that helped women across Europe connect in groups in order to mentor each other in business. Their website provides a wealth of resources and contacts if you’re interested in learning from other women entrepreneurs:
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Erasmus for All – a simple introduction

If you’ve been keeping track of developments on the new education, youth and sport programme due to start next year, you’ll know that it’s quite a complicated area! With this in mind, we’ve asked our LLP Director, Chris Walker, to explain the proposal for the new programme as simply as possible…this short film is the result. Read the rest of this entry »

A few things we’ve heard about recently…

We love hearing about your projects and like to share your news and events through our websites, through Twitter, our blog and our YouTube channel.

Here are just a few of the things that we have heard about in the last month:


We’ve been hearing, via Twitter, about the latest successful applications for Leonardo and Grundtvig funding:

Congratulations to you all and everyone else who has submitted a successful application! Make sure to keep us up to date throughout your project and we wish you luck during the journey. Read the rest of this entry »