Erasmus+ Community in Motion

As some record breaking A-level results and increases in university places have been circulating in the news, the Erasmus+ programme has the opportunity to start its own records over the next seven years.

“Between now and 2020, 250,000 people will benefit from funding in the UK”

said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.

With over 1,500 applications recieved so far to the UK national agency, for the current 2014 Call year, the target for next year has been set to a high standard. More figures will be released on applications per field and success rate later this year.

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6 tips for budding women entrepreneurs

Business womanAlmost one year ago we published this post with some inspiring Lifelong Learning Programme projects which looked at the theme of entrepreneurship. With such relevance for the Erasmus+ programme we thought we would re-post one of our most successful articles – please comment and share your tips if you haven’t done so already! We hope you find these tips useful!

Forbes recently published a report stating that in 2012 alone 126 million women worldwide were starting or running new businesses and an estimated 98 million were developing established businesses.

But it’s not easy starting a new business, especially if you have a family, are over fifty or come from a disadvantaged background. That’s why a number of Lifelong Learning Programme funded projects have focused on supporting female entrepreneurs from all backgrounds to develop the necessary skills to become self-employed. These are just a few tips from our projects if you’re a woman interested in setting up your own business:

1. Learn from other women entrepreneurs

Whether you’re confident about setting up your own business or a little hesitant, talking to other women entrepreneurs who can share their successes and challenges with you can help you learn from best practice and better understand the pitfalls of business.

Fe:male was a Grundtvig funded project that helped women across Europe connect in groups in order to mentor each other in business. Their website provides a wealth of resources and contacts if you’re interested in learning from other women entrepreneurs:
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Why you shouldn’t miss our new project support pages…

project support

New project support section on the Erasmus+ website

We’ve launched a new project support area on our website designed to help you through every stage of running your Erasmus+ project.

It contains information for both Key Action 1 Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education projects as well as information for all other fields. We will be adding more information about starting your Key Action 2 projects later in the year.


Next steps
It’s never too early to start planning your project. We will be adding to these pages with all the details about our Start-up seminars, project handbooks, webinars and other activities to help you through the key reporting stages of your project.

How can I promote my project? Keeping on brand 
On our other project support page you will find details of how you can use the European Commission’s Erasmus+ logos on your flyers, project outputs and other promotional materials for your Erasmus+ project.

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6 tips for budding women entrepreneurs

Business womanForbes recently published a report stating that in 2012 alone 126 million women worldwide were starting or running new businesses and an estimated 98 million were developing established businesses.

But it’s not easy starting a new business, especially if you have a family, are over fifty or come from a disadvantaged background. That’s why a number of Lifelong Learning Programme funded projects have focused on supporting female entrepreneurs from all backgrounds to develop the necessary skills to become self-employed. These are just a few tips from our projects if you’re a woman interested in setting up your own business:

1. Learn from other women entrepreneurs

Whether you’re confident about setting up your own business or a little hesitant, talking to other women entrepreneurs who can share their successes and challenges with you can help you learn from best practice and better understand the pitfalls of business.

Fe:male was a Grundtvig funded project that helped women across Europe connect in groups in order to mentor each other in business. Their website provides a wealth of resources and contacts if you’re interested in learning from other women entrepreneurs:
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Share your Study Visit experiences, hints and tips

Have you recently been on a Transversal Study Visit? We’d love to hear about your experience and also find out what hints and tips you’d share with future participants.

Leave us a comment below or tweet @llpUKecorys using the hash tag #studyvisit

We’ll embed your tweets here too…

16 February 2012:  Sharon Thompson, Cohesive Consultancy (Study Visit to the Netherlands)

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